⚠️ Please note that there is a chance the browser demo might not work properly or run slowly. In such cases, I recommend downloading the desktop version for a smoother experience.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Spacebar/Enter: Action (Play/Auto Solve)
  • Num 0-9: Select Collection/Puzzle (1-10)
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Num 0-9: Select Collection/Puzzle (11-20)
  • M: Mute/Unmute
  • F: Fullscreen
  • X: Exit (Desktop only)

Programming: Self

Design/UI: Self

Audio: Pixabay

Content: Stable Diffusion + OrangeMixs/AOM3A1B

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Made withGodot
TagsAdult, Anime, Erotic, NSFW
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

WaifuPuzzles_Playtest_v1.exe 251 MB
WaifuPuzzles_Playtest_v1.x86_64 253 MB
waifu-puzzles_v1.app.zip 235 MB

Development log


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Are you going to update this anytime soon? (not trying to be rude btw just wondering)

sorry, I've been working on other projects but what are you thinking?
more content?

let me know!

I'll try to get at least 12 characters in batches of 4 but I don't really have deadlines set

It's okay, what I mean was like more characters but now I know. Thanks!


Yay, thank you!